Patch Notes

Patch Notes

Play FPS Chess Game on Windows


Prepare to be blown away by the groundbreaking features and improvements in the latest version of FPS Chess. We have listened to your feedback and worked tirelessly to deliver an update that exceeds your expectations. Let's dive into the exciting changes this version brings:

  1. Cross-platform support: This version introduces cross-platform support, allowing players from different devices to compete against each other. Challenge your friends, regardless of whether they are on PC, console, or mobile. Enjoy seamless gameplay across multiple platforms and join a larger community of players.
  2. New game modes: Get ready to explore innovative new game modes that push the boundaries of chess-inspired FPS gameplay. Engage in adrenaline-pumping battles that require quick thinking, precision, and teamwork. These new modes will keep you on the edge of your seat, delivering an unmatched gaming experience.
  3. Spectator mode: This version introduces a spectator mode that allows you to watch live matches and tournaments. Learn from the best players, study their strategies, and gain valuable insights to improve your own gameplay. Immerse yourself in the action and experience the thrill of competitive FPS Chess like never before.
  4. Expanded esports integration: We have expanded our commitment to the esports community with the new version. Enjoy enhanced tournament features, improved spectator controls, and seamless broadcasting capabilities. FPS Chess is ready to take the competitive gaming scene by storm, offering a platform for players to showcase their skills and compete for glory.
  5. Bug fixes and performance enhancements: We have addressed various bugs and performance issues to ensure a smoother and more enjoyable gaming experience. This version is more stable and optimized, allowing you to focus on the intense battles without any distractions.

Get ready to embrace these exciting changes and embark on a thrilling journey in the world of FPS Chess. Stay tuned for the release of new version and prepare to redefine your gaming experience.